Release 2(40)2022
Technology and equipment for mechanical and physical-technical processing
Zubkov, N. N. SAE modeling the formation of ribbed structures present deforming cut method / N. N. Zubkov, D. V. Tsukanov, D. A. Buzaev, Yu. L. Bityutskaya // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - P. 3-12. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/3-12.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-3-12. Annotation. The paper presents the results of emissions of harmful substances by the automobile fleet according to the COPERT-5 methodology using official statistics of the State Road Safety Inspectorate. COPERT-5 allows you to combine information about the time of use of vehicles with the actual volumes of fuel sold and calculates the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere per year. Keywords: ROAD TRANSPORT, HARMFUL EMISSIONS, AIR POLLUTION, COPERT METHODOLOGY.
Prokopets, G. A. Evolution of the design of a multi-contact vibro-impact tool and the main ways of its development / G. A. Prokopets, A. A. Prokopets // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 13-21. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/13-21.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-13-21. Annotation. The main technological stages that ensure the processing of sludge waste from grinding production are considered and their essence is disclosed. Design and technological solutions are proposed that ensure their implementation using an electromagnetic field. The main conclusions are presented, showing the feasibility of using these devices. Keywords: SLUDGE WASTE, GRINDING PRODUCTION,. WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, RECYCLING DEVICES, ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD.
Engineering technology
Albagachiev, A. Yu. Investigation of the quality of shock treatment of the working belt of saddles cryogenic shutters / A. Yu. Albagachiev // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 22-29. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/22-29.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-22-29. Annotation. A method and technology for impact processing of the working belt of cryogenic valve seats is proposed, experimental studies of quality (roughness and microhardness) are carried out. A model for calculating temperature and residual stresses during impact hardening has been developed. Keywords: seat, impact treatment, roughness, microhardness, residual stresses, temperature, hardening.
Lebedev, V. A. Technological support for the processing of sludge waste from grinding production using an electromagnetic field / V. A. Lebedev, A. A. Shirin, N. S. Koval, Yu. M. Vernigorov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 30-37. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/30-37.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-30-37. Annotation. The main technological stages that ensure the processing of sludge waste from grinding production are considered and their essence is disclosed. Design and technological solutions are proposed that ensure their implementation using an electromagnetic field. The main conclusions are presented, showing the feasibility of using these devices. Keywords: SLUDGE WASTE, GRINDING PRODUCTION,. WASTE PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, RECYCLING DEVICES, ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD.
Mordovtsev, A. A. Modeling the interaction of an abrasive granule with the inner surface of a part during vibroabrasive processing / A. A. Mordovtsev, M. A. Tamarkin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). – S. 38-49. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/38-49.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-38-49. Abstract. The paper is devoted to the creation of an improved model for the abrasive granule interaction with part internal surface during vibroabrasive processing. The reasons for the differences in the processing of the external and internal surfaces of the part are revealed. Improved mathematical models have been obtained for determining the volume removed per single interaction and the maximum depth of granule penetration. As a result of the research, the adequacy of the proposed dependencies was confirmed. The resulting dependencies can be used in the automation of engineering calculations in digital production. Keywords: vibroabrasive processing, single interaction, penetration depth, material removal, roughness, surface position.
Operation of road transport
Posmetiev, V. I. Assessment of the relevance of using a regenerative suspension with a linear Posmetiev V.I., Nikonov V.O., Zelikov V.A. electromagnetic generator in the design of a timber road train // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 50-63. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/50-63.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-50-63. Annotation. The relevance of increasing the efficiency of a logging vehicle by using regenerative shock absorbers in the design of its suspension is substantiated. The analysis of scientific works of foreign authors involved in research in the field of recuperation of various types of energy in the shock absorbers of vehicle suspensions has been carried out. Possible options for the appearance of a disturbing force and deformation in hydraulic shock absorbers and elastic suspension elements of a logging vehicle during its movement along an insufficiently equipped logging road are described. A mathematical description of the processes occurring in the suspension system of a timber vehicle equipped with hydraulic shock absorbers and spring suspension is presented. The dependences of the change in the power dissipated by the hydraulic shock absorber in various frequency ranges are given. A perspective scheme of a linear electromagnetic generator installed in the suspension of a timber vehicle is proposed. Its device, principle of operation, as well as advantages are described. The tasks are formulated, the solution of which will allow the prototype of the modified design of the regenerative shock absorber to be put into mass production. Keywords: ENERGY RECOVERY, SUSPENSION, SHOCK ABSORBER, FOREST VEHICLE, DAMPING, FOREST ROAD, LINEAR ELECTROMAGNETIC GENERATOR, EFFICIENCY, FUEL CONSUMPTION.
Dorokhin, S. V. Evaluation of the efficiency of the coordinated section / S. V. Dorokhin, A. Yu. Artemov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 64-73. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/64-73.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-64-73. Annotation. Coordinated management is one of the ways to improve the efficiency of main streets, using a coordinated management mode, it is possible to reduce the occurrence of major adverse situations on the managed section of the road network - long downtime, unintended delays, and even accidents. But in the conditions of modern cities, situations often arise when the intensity in the connecting sections is quite high and exceeds the intensity in the coordinated section, in this case, the effectiveness of management must be assessed. In this regard, the main goal of the study is to evaluate the efficiency of the coordinated section, taking into account the variation in intensity indicators, both in the main section (main street) and in connected sections. Keywords: COORDINATED MANAGEMENT, MAIN STREET, CONNECTED AREAS, EFFICIENCY, TRAFFIC INTENSITY.
Shevtsova, A. G. Evaluation of methods for applying technical and dynamic parameters vehicles in world practice / A. G. Shevtsova, A. G. Loktionova // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 74-81. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/74-81.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-74-81. Annotation. Technical and dynamic parameters of motor vehicles are considered. The parameters that have an impact on road safety in general are determined. The analysis of the application of these parameters in world practice is carried out. The purpose of the study is to determine the parameters of the car that affect traffic safety in order to increase the efficiency of the isolated area, taking into account the parameters of the calibrated car. Keywords: ROAD TRANSPORT, TRAFFIC FLOW, TECHNICAL AND DYNAMIC PARAMETERS, SPEED, OVERALL LENGTH.
Shemyakin, A. V. Analysis of environmental pollution by road transport / A. V. Shemyakin, V. V. Terentiev, K. P. Andreev, A. B. Martynushkin, I. N. Kiryushin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2022. - V. 2, No. 2 (40). - S. 82-91. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/82-91.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-82-91. Annotation. The paper presents the results of emissions of harmful substances by the automobile fleet according to the COPERT-5 methodology using official statistics of the State Road Safety Inspectorate. COPERT-5 allows you to combine information about the time of use of vehicles with the actual volumes of fuel sold and calculates the total emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere per year. Keywords: ROAD TRANSPORT, HARMFUL EMISSIONS, AIR POLLUTION, COPERT METHODOLOGY.