Issue 4(42)2022
Technology and equipment of mechanicaland physical and technical processing
Kirillov, O. N. Combined electrode-brush treatment of surfaces of products with variable allowance / O. N. Kirillov, V. V. Kutz, O. O. Shendrikova // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 4-21. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/4-21.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-4-21. Annotation. The article considers the possibilities of combined processing with an unprofiled electrode-brush of products with a large unevenness of the initial profile. The coefficient of unevenness was used to estimate the size of the allowance. Methods of obtaining parts with variable allowance, features of their processing are considered. These are parts obtained by casting, welding, stamping, roughing blade and electroerosion treatment. The surfaces of such parts are often characterized by high hardness and wear resistance. To date, there is no universal way to process such parts. Often, such details after processing have to be refined with the help of stripping devices or a locksmith method, which increases the processing time and increases the cost of the process. It is of interest to use an unprofiled brush electrode for processing such parts, but for this it was necessary to create an effective processing technology that ensures a stable flow of the process. As a result of theoretical studies and oscillography of the process, the mechanism of the processing process was clarified, which made it possible to clarify the true amount of removal by the electrode brush and more accurately determine its wear. A typical technological process of surface treatment with an uneven allowance was developed. Schemes of surface treatment with an uneven allowance are proposed, with the adjustment of the clamping value of the brush electrode by the minimum and maximum value of the allowance. Processing modes have been experimentally established. The article presents the practical results of the experiments carried out on the processing of cast iron gratings with different modes. Keywords: ELECTRODE BRUSH, COEFFICIENT OF UNEVENNESS, SURFACES WITH VARIABLE ALLOWANCE, WORKING MEDIUM, BRASS, STAINLESS STEEL, ALLOWANCE, PROCESSING MODES, CAST IRON GRATINGS.
Grymzin, A. Y. Manufacturability and quality indicators of flow surfaces after combined treatment / A. Y. Grymzin, S. N. Podgornov, G. A. Sukhochev, S. N. Kodentsev // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 22-28. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/22-28.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-22-28. Annotation. The article provides information on the designed and implemented processes of combined processing of loaded parts of promising power plants, describes the original means of technological equipment, discusses the prospects for expanding their technological capabilities and the impact on improving the production manufacturability of products. Keywords: MANUFACTURABILITY, COMBINED HARDENING, FLOW SURFACE, OPERATING PARAMETERS.
Mechanical engineering technology
Smolentsev, E. V. Abrasive-free finishing of machine parts by combined methods / E. V. Smolentsev, Y. S. Zolototrubova, V. G. Gritsyuk, S. V. Kovalev // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 29-36. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/29-36.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-29-36. Annotation. In order to expand the possibilities of designing technological processes for finishing shut-off valve parts, in some cases it is advisable to use the possibilities of varying various influences in a single combined method with the imposition of an electromagnetic field. A reasonable combination of physical influences allows us to provide the necessary design parameters, sufficient productivity and an increase in the resource of finished products. Keywords: ELECTROEROSION, ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT, TECHNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS.
Aleshina, A. E. A new approach to automation of design of technological equipment for electrical processing methods / A. E. Aleshina, A.V. Kuzovkin, A. P. Suvorov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 37-44. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/37-44.pdf– DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-37-44. Keywords: COMPUTER-Aided DESIGN SYSTEMS, ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGIES, ELECTRODE-TOOL, ELECTRICAL PROCESSING METHODS.
Operation of motor transport
Posmetyev, V. I. On the influence of traditional designs of traction devices on the operational properties of logging road trains / V. I. Posmetyev, V. O. Nikonov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 45-64. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/45-64.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-45-64. Annotation. The article describes the consequences of deterioration of the operational properties of logging trucks with trailers during their unsteady movement on insufficiently equipped logging roads. The negative influence exerted by traditional designs of traction devices on the operational properties of logging road trains is listed. The dependences of changes in fuel consumption, load capacity and speed of the road train on the unevenness of the resistance to movement are considered. The dependences of the change in the force in the trailer hitch and the stock of lateral stability on the weight of the trailer are presented. The dependences of the change in the magnitude of the force in the coupling device of the road train during braking with the trailer brake system switched off and on, with a change in the damping coefficient, with a change in the speed of the road train and the type of road support surface, with a change in the stiffness of the elastic coupling are analyzed. The dependences of the change in the forces in the traction device of the road train on the size of the gap in the coupling and the rate of engagement of the clutch, the values of the coefficient of the weight characteristics of the road train are considered. The dependences of the change in the longitudinal forces in the traction device of the road train on the quality of the road surface, on the stiffness coefficient are given. The necessity of developing and practical use of new designs of traction devices with the possibility of continuous control of their characteristics depending on the conditions of movement of a logging road train, damping and recovery of the energy of the working fluid is substantiated. Keywords: LOGGING TRUCK-TRACTOR, TRAILER, TRACTION DEVICE, LOGGING ROAD, OPERATIONAL PROPERTIES, DAMPING, FUEL CONSUMPTION, LOADS, TRAFFIC DYNAMICS.
Ageev, E. V. Statistical evaluation of the effectiveness of maintenance and repair of training vehicles / E. V. Ageev, E. S. Vinogradov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 65-72. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/65-72.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-65-72. Annotation. This article discusses the characteristics that affect the reliability of training vehicles in the subsystem "Cadet-Car" (K-A), the types of possible failures of training vehicles during operation are determined. The failures of vehicles and their elements are presented, the maximum operational indicators are determined, the factors determining the level of reliability of vehicles that are necessary to perform exercises at the initial stage of practical training in the training center are reflected. Keywords: RELIABILITY, TRAINING VEHICLE, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS.
Dorokhin, S. V. Modeling of the traffic process on the main street of Voronezh in the Any Logic software environment / S. V. Dorokhin, D. V. Likhachev, A. Yu. Artemov, A.V. Marusin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 73-84. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/73-84.pdf– DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-73-84.
Karaeva, M. R. Optimization and forecasting of passenger traffic volumes using the methods of support vectors and swarm of particles / M. R. Karaeva, N. V. Napkhonenko, E. Yu. Semchugova, N. S. Negrov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 85-93. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/85-93.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-85-93.
Posmetyev, V. I. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of traditional suspension structures in specialized road transport / V. I. Posmetyev, V. O. Nikonov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 94-119. Access mode: https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/94-119.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-94-119.
Semykina, A. S. Determination of an effective method of running-in of quarry PBX engines / A. S. Semykina // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2022. – Vol. 4, No. 4 (42). – pp. 120-131. Access mode : https://spb1.hosting.reg.ru/data/v/e/vestnikvglta.ru/out/gallery/120-131.pdf – DOI : 10.34220/2311-8873-2022-120-131.