Issue 2(48) 2024
Kodentsev, S. N. Technological support of operational parameters of flow channels using combined processing / S. N. Kodentsev, S. N. Podgornov, G. A. Sukhochev // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – P. 3-9. Access mode: gallery/3-9.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-3-9. Annotation. The work discusses the technological improvement of combined electrochemical processing (ECM) of thin profile holes of injectors, provides data on rational processing modes and results that indicate the prospects of using this method in industry. Keywords: ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT, PROFILE HOLES, NOZZLES, ELECTROLYTE, CURRENT DENSITY.
Norman, A. V. Features of the use of additive technologies in the manufacture of high-tech products at mechanical engineering enterprises / A. V. Norman, O. N. Kirillov, V. V. Kuts // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 10-19. Access mode: gallery/10-19.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-10-19. Annotation. The relevance of the application of additive technologies in modern production conditions is substantiated. An algorithm for performing topological optimization of the product design is proposed. Various directions of application of these technologies are considered and the effectiveness of their implementation in production is shown. Keywords: ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGIES, 3D PRINTING, GENERATIVE DESIGN, OPTIMIZATION, SHAPE, MASS, STRUCTURES.
Tamarkin, M. A. Technological design of processing parts with an eccentric oscillating hardener / M. A. Tamarkin, E. E. Tishchenko, S. A. O. Khashash, R. G. Tishchenko // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 20-28. Access mode: gallery/20-28.pdf – 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-20-31. Annotation. The article presents the results of the study of the process of processing parts with ex-centric oscillating strengthening. The scope of application and design features of the device are considered. The results of theoretical studies of the treatment process are given. Dependences are defined for calculation of indenter impact speed and kinetic energy of tool head with indenter at impact interaction. The parameters of the surface layer, which have the greatest impact on improving the operational properties of machine parts (depth of the hardened layer, degree of deformation, Keywords: ECCENTRIC OSCILLATING HARDENER, OVERLAY QUALITY, MACHINING TIME.
Ryabinina, O. A. Application of digital twins of machine equipment in the design of technological equipment / O. A. Ryabinina, A. I. Boldyrev, A. A. Boldyrev, D. Yu. Levin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 29-40. Access mode: gallery/29-40.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-32-43. Annotation. The article considers the relevance of digital twin technology, its development and possibilities of application at mechanical industry. The article considers the digital twin as a tool to reduce the engineering process preparation by creating a digital library of machining facilities and its use as a basis for the design of jigs, fixtures and tools. The algorithm of formation of the digital twin library of machining facilities with explanations is given, and also technical recommendations on designing of means of technological tools on the basis of the created digital twin library of the machining facilities with explanations are given. Keywords: DIGITAL TWINS, 3D SCANNING, MACHINING FACILITIES, DIGITAL MANUFACTURING PROCEDURE, JIGS, FIXTURES AND TOOLS.
Efimov, A. D. Increasing the reliability of automotive technical examination of road accidents taking into account the adhesion characteristics of tires / A. D. Efimov, A. O. Alibagandov, V. V. Loktionov, E. N. Bessarabov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 41-48. Access mode: gallery/41-48.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-44-51. Annotation. In many cases, emergency situations are caused by the fact that the adhesion of tires to the road differs significantly from the standard values. Based on this, there are problems associated with an adequate assessment of the influence of the coefficient of adhesion in a particular road traffic situation on the course stability of the car and its braking distance. Expert organizations, as well as state bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs need information about the influence of the coefficient of adhesion under various operational factors on the braking distance of the car, when solving their immediate official tasks. As a result of the research carried out, the values of correction coefficients for theoretical calculations of wheel-to-road coupling coefficients were obtained both in various road conditions and taking into account the operational condition of tires, which can be used in the practice of automotive experts. Keywords: OACCIDENT EXAMINATION, VEHICLE, COEFFICIENT OF ADHESION OF TIRES TO THE ROAD, SPEED OF MOVEMENT,
Shavrina, V. S. Optimization of passenger bus transportation using the example of route No. 169A in St. Petersburg / V. S. Shavrina, N. V. Chudakova // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 49-60. Access mode: gallery/49-60.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-52-63. Annotation. The article contains the characteristics of the route under study, a method of surveying passenger flows was selected, with the help of which corresponding studies were subsequently carried out. Based on the data obtained, it was decided to change the bus schedule as measures to optimize the route. Thus, the proposed measure made it possible to reduce the operating costs of the enterprise without reducing social efficiency. Keywords: URBAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT, PASSENGER FLOW, ECONOMIC EFFECT, PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC SCHEDULE.
Cherevastov, M. G. Statistical study of the influence of the specific power of a car on road safety // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – T. 2, No. 2 (48). – pp. 61-69. Access mode: gallery/61-69.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-64-74. Annotation. The study of the influence of the specific power of the car on the road accident rate. To assess the accident rate, a relative indicator is used, obtained as the ratio of the number of road accidents per unit length of the mileage of cars. A stochastic relationship between the accident rate and the specific power of the car was obtained. Recommendations are given on the possibility of replacing the internal combustion engine during the conversion of the car. Keywords: MAKING CHANGES TO THE DESIGN OF THE VEHICLE, ROAD SAFETY, SPECIFIC POWER OF THE CAR.