Issue 3 (49) 2024
Popov, A. I. Analysis of plasma formation conditions in an electrolyte jet during anode surface treatment in the range of 20-500 V // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 3-16. Access mode: gallery/3-16.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-1-1. Annotation. This article considers the effect of electrolyte-plasma discharge voltage in the voltage range from 20-500 V on plasma formation in a free-falling jet and a jet under pressure directed at the surface of a metal anode. It is shown that during jet treatment in the discharge voltage range of 20-500 V, many factors influence the formation of the plasma region. It is shown that during jet processing the volt-ampere characteristic differs significantly in shape from the characteristic in the electrolytic bath. It is revealed that the main parameters influencing the formation of plasma in the jet are the discharge voltage and temperature. In turn, the process temperature largely depends on the volumetric flow rate of the electrolyte entering the interelectrode gap. When the electrolyte temperature in the interelectrode gap reaches 34-40 º C, the process of transition from the electrochemical effect on the surface to a combined one with a strong influence of electrolyte plasma is formed. It is shown that a change in the processes in the electrolyte jet under the influence of voltage leads to a change in the surface morphology and a decrease in the roughness parameter Ra. In the entire range of voltage, with its increase, an increase in the discharge power, a decrease in the anode material, and an increase in temperature are shown. The results of these studies can be applied to dimensional and finishing surface treatment of stainless steels and alloys. Keywords: ELECTROLYTE, PLASMA, JET, ANODE, TEMPERATURE, DIAGNOSTICS, MORPHOLOGY, HYDRODYNAMIC MODELING, ROUGHNESS.
Sukhorukov, V.N. Technological parameters of the combined method of electrophysicochemical processing of materials / V.N. Sukhorukov, E.V. Smolentsev, N.N. Babenkov, S.S. Yukhnevich // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 17-25. Access mode: gallery/17-25.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-17-25. Annotation. This paper describes a combined method of materials processing using the principles of electrochemical electrical discharge machining. Mathematical calculations of the processing modes, as well as graphs of the efficiency and accuracy of processing depending on the materials used as a working medium are given. Keywords: COMBINED PROCESSING, ELECTROCHEMISTRY, ELECTRODUCTION, MATERIAL.
Bukhtoyarov, V. N. Evaluation of the influence of grinding modes on the roughness of plasma coatings / V. N. Bukhtoyarov, V. A. Ivannikov, A. D. Golev // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 26-32. Access mode: gallery/26-32.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-26-32. Annotation. The article presents equipment for laboratory tests during grinding of plasma coatings. The results of the study on the influence of the modes of mechanical treatment with an abrasive tool on the quality of the surface of plasma coatings are presented. Three materials were applied to the surfaces: based on iron, nickel and self-fluxing powder for plasma spraying, with their subsequent grinding and study of the surface quality. Keywords: PROCESSING WITH AN ABRASIVE TOOL, COATING, ROUGHNESS, QUALITY OF THE SURFACE LAYER, GRINDING MODES, GRINDING DEVICE.
Popov, D. A. Influence of the duration of mechanical activation of metal powders during their mixing on the strength of the plasma coating / D. A. Popov, A. M. Kadyrmetov, A. I. Uskov, S. A. Popov, I. A. Mandrykin, P. N. Popov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 33-40. Access mode: gallery/33-40.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-33-40. Annotation. The article considers the influence of the duration of mixing of the components of the FeCoCrAlTiCuMo coating in a special mixer-activator on the strength of the resulting coating. Indirect confirmation of the influence of mechanical activation during mixing on the formation of the plasma coating was obtained and a rational mixing time was determined. The obtained data allow us to judge the possibility of creating a high-energy spray coating by mixing components in an inert atmosphere, which allows increasing the coating strength by more than 2 times, compared to mixing powders in a traditional way in an air atmosphere. Keywords: PLASMA SPRAYING, COATING QUALITY, STRENGTH, MIXING TIME, MECHANICAL ACTIVATION, MIXER.
Zelikov, V. A. Analysis of factors reflecting the behavior of drivers in difficult traffic situations / V. A. Zelikov, Yu. V. Strukov, G. N. Klimova, G. A. Denisov, S. V. Vnukova, E. A. Chernikov, V. V. Razgonyaeva // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 41-52. Access mode: gallery/41-52.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-41-52. Annotation. The article considers the interaction of factors reflecting the characteristics of driver behavior in a traffic situation. Keywords: BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVER, DANGEROUS DRIVING STYLE, DETERMINING CAUSES, PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONALITY, STRUCTURED SYSTEM, PROFESSIONALLY IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF A DRIVER.
Kolesnikov, V. P. Electrophysicochemical relationship of thermodynamic processes of decomposition of exhaust gas components of automobile internal combustion engines and an electric spark device for its implementation / V. P. Kolesnikov, I. N. Kiryushin, V. N. Retyunskikh, S. N. Kulik // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 53-66. Access mode: gallery/53-66.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-53-66. Annotation. The article discusses the relationship of sciences in ensuring the purification of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines by the method of electric spark machining. Keywords: ENERGY-SAVING TECHNOLOGY, DEVICE, CLEANING, RECIRCULATION, EXHAUST GASES OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES, ELECTRIC SPARK METHOD.
Gudkov, V. V. Justification of the design and equipment of a tracked tractor for regions with extremely low temperatures / V. A. Gudkov, P. A. Sokol // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. – 2024. – V. 3, No. 3 (49). – P. 67-86. Access mode: gallery/67-86.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-67-86. Annotation. Currently, tracked snowmobile transporters-tractors with residential modules, which are currently operating in the Antarctic region and make transitions deep into the continent, have almost exhausted their service life and need to be updated, and the design of known serial models of tracked transporters-tractors, mainly dual-purpose, does not take into account the entire range of factors affecting operation in Antarctica, which makes them of limited suitability for widespread use in this region. The article presents a scientifically substantiated design of a tracked snowmobile transporter-tractor for operation in the Antarctic region for moving long distances deep into the continent in conditions of extremely low ambient temperatures and implemented by its design and main tactical and technical characteristics. Keywords: TRACTOR, RESIDENTIAL MODULE, EXTENDERS, HABITAT, ANTARCTICA, EXTREMELY LOW TEMPERATURE.
Jung, A. A. Development of a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of using personal mobility equipment in urban conditions / A. A. Jung, A. G. Shevtsova // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). – P. 87-94. Access mode: gallery/87-94.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-87-94. Annotation. The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the number of road accidents involving personal mobility vehicles (PMV). A new alternative to using a personal car is the use of various personal mobility vehicles (PMV). PMV is a new era of development in the transport industry. The devices began to gain particular popularity in Russia just a few years ago, and in foreign countries they are already actively used as a replacement for a personal car, developing their design and rules of use every year, thereby increasing safety. Keywords: ANALYSIS, ROAD TRAFFIC, PMV, CHARACTERISTICS, TRAFFIC FLOW.
Yemelyanov, I. P. Analysis of functional indicators of intelligent transport systems as indicators of improving the environmental safety of road transport in the Kursk region / I. P. Yemelyanov, I. O. Kirilchuk, A. N. Barkov // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 95-105. Access mode: gallery/95-105.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-95-105. Annotation. The article presents an analysis of modern research in the field of assessing the anthropogenic impact of motor transport, including emissions of pollutants into the air, noise and vibration impact. When implementing measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of motor transport, considerable attention is paid to the development and implementation of intelligent transport systems (ITS). To assess the effectiveness of using ITS elements in the Kursk region in terms of improving environmental performance, the authors analyzed the following functional indicators of ITS: mass emissions of pollutants contained in vehicle exhaust gases; noise level from traffic flow; CO and NOx concentration values. The conducted field studies and calculations indicate the high efficiency of ITS implementation to reduce the environmental load on sections of the road network. Keywords: INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEM (ITS), MOTOR TRANSPORT, ENVIRONMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY INDICATORS.
Shavrina, V. S. Improving the quality of bus service using the example of route No. 158 in St. Petersburg / V. S. Shavrina, N. V. Barnovi // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 106-117. Access mode: gallery/106-117.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-106-117. Annotation. The article presents the characteristics of the bus route under consideration, as well as the territory under study, a method for examining passenger flows was selected, after which appropriate measures were developed based on the data obtained. In order to improve the quality of service on bus route No. 158, it was proposed to improve the schedule of rolling stock and change the route. Thus, thanks to the proposed measures, it was possible to improve the quality of passenger bus service, which is confirmed by the calculations of the social effect. Keywords: URBAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT, PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION, ROUTE, SOCIAL EFFECT, DAILY TRANSPORTATION VOLUME.
Novikov, I. A. Stationary photo and video recording systems for traffic violations as a way to combat accidents / I. A. Novikov, E. V. Pechatnova, I. I. Kiryushin, Yu. I. Ilyin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 118-125. Access mode: gallery/118-125.pdf - DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-118-125. Annotation. One of the leading ways to combat accidents is the use of technical means of automatic photo and video recording (FVF complexes). The paper assesses the impact of stationary FVF complexes on reducing the number of road accidents (RA) on federal highways in the Altai Territory. The comparative analysis was chosen as the evaluation method. The study was conducted on the example of road accidents with casualties and road accidents with material damage. Keywords: ROAD TRANSPORT ACCIDENTS, PHOTO AND VIDEO RECORDING COMPLEXES, TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS, METHODS OF ACCIDENT REDUCTION, FEDERAL ROADS.
Kotov, R. A. Development of a two-factor mathematical model for assessing the number of road accidents involving passenger transport / R. A. Kotov, S. V. Dorokhin // Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin. - 2024. - Vol. 3, No. 3 (49). - P. 126-132. Access mode: gallery/126-132.pdf – DOI: 10.34220/2311-8873-2024-126-132. Annotation. The article considers the accident rate of passenger transport, defines promising ways of development of this type of transport and the main target indicators in accordance with the Transport Strategy. The analysis of the main factors influencing the development of passenger transport - passenger turnover and the presence of rolling stock is carried out and a two-factor model is developed that allows assessing the change in the accident rate depending on the change in the studied factors. Keywords: PASSENGER TRANSPORT, VORONEZH REGION, ACCIDENT RATE, NUMBER OF ROLLING STOCK, PASSENGER TURNOVER, TWO-FACTOR REGRESSION MODEL.