The Voronezh Scientific and Technical Bulletin is published 4 times a year. The editors of the online edition accept previously unpublished articles from 10 to 20 pages, including annotations, keywords, tables, figures, bibliography.


Authors must submit to the editors:


- the text of the article, in World size, including keywords (5-10 words in Russian and English ), and scanned copy printed on A4 sheets (the article must be signed by all authors). 


– the abstract (up to 600 characters without spaces) on a separate sheet in Russian and English;


– the electronic version of the article and abstract in MS-Word or RTF format (the name of the first author and the first word of the title of the article are indicated in the file name). The paper version must fully comply with the electronic one;


- the application for publication of the article: surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, place of work (full name of the organization), position, work address, home address, contact phone number, e-mail address;


– graduate students submitting articles without co-authors for consideration, in addition to the required documentation, submit to the editorial office a certificate of completion of graduate school and a recommendation from the supervisor. The recommendation must contain the title of the article and the surname of the author, the signature of the head, the decoding of the signature, the name of the organization to which the head belongs, and the seal of the organization;


– the report of checking the article in the Antiplagiat program (www.antiplagiat.ru). If the originality of the work is less than 80%, they are returned for revision.